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Public Administration Objective Questions and Answers

Public Administration Quiz Objective Questions and Answers (India GK Quiz No. 179): India General Knowledge (GK) Sample Question Paper for Public Admin Objective Questions and Answers for UPSC, IAS, SSC, NET, Slet and state PSC examination with Collection of 50 Question (Question No. 2900 to 2950)  of India GK Questions under GK Quiz in PDF @  India GK Sample Papers. India General Knowledge (GK) and General Science (GS) Questions for UPSC, State PSC, SSC, Police exam, Railway exam, SBI, Bank PO, IBPC, SSC, LDC, UDC, Army, Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard, Bank Clerk, TET and all entrance examination with current affairs News, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) available on Website www.IndiaGK.net and Android Apps with daily updates:.
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India GK Question Paper NO. 179 (Public Administration):
The concept of the ‘zone of indifference’ is associated with—
A. Decision-Making
B. Leadership
C. Authority
D. Motivation
Answer: C

Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India provides provision for the creation of All India Services?
A. Article 300
B. Article 312
C. Article 320
D. Article 321
Answer: B

Who has analysed the leadership in terms of ‘circular response’ ?
A. C. I. Barnard
B. M. P. Follett
C. Millet
D. Taylor
Answer: B

Simon proposed a new concept of administration based on the methodology of—
A. Decision-making
B. Bounded rationality
C. Logical positivism
D. Satisfying
Answer: C

Which among the following countries does not have a Central Civil Service Commission charged with the responsibility for recruitment to the higher civil service?
A. Canada
B. Great Britain
D. France
Answer: B

Which of the following was not identified by the Santhanam Committee as a major cause of corruption in India?
A. Administrative delays
B. Scope for personnel discretion in the exercise of powers
C. Cumbersome procedures
D. Absence of regulatory functions of the government
Answer: D

Which one of the following experiments was not included in the Hawthorne experiments?
A. Bank wiring observation room
B. Relay assembly test room
C. Cutting metals
D. Greg illumination
Answer: C

Which one of the following shows the correct sequence of the four basic steps in the position classification plan?
A. Job analysis-Grouping of positions Standardization-Position allocation
B. Standardization-Job analysis grouping of positions-Position allocation
C. Grouping of positions -job analysis – Position allocation-Standardization
D. Job analysis-Grouping of position-Position allocation-Standardization
Answer: A

Which of the following administrative thinkers has defined administration as “the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve desired ends” ?
A. L. D. White
B. J. M. Pfiffner
C. J. A. Veig
D. H. A. Simon
Answer: B

Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of New Public Management ?
A. It has market orientation
B. It upholds public interest
C. It advocates managerial autonomy
D. It focuses on performance appraisal
Answer: B

‘Good Governance’ and ‘Participating Civil Society for Development’ were stressed in World Bank Report of—
A. 1992
B. 1997
C. 2000
D. 2003
Answer: A

If the administrative authority within a department is vested in a single individual, then that system is known as—
A. Board
B. Bureau
C. Commission
D. Council
Answer: B

Which of the following scholars has/have not laid any marked emphasis on administrative ethics?
A. Paul Appleby
B. Frederick Mosher
C. Chanakya
D. David Osborne and Ted Gaebler
Answer: C

Who among the following has focused on the politics of the budgetary process?
A. Robert Golembiewski
B. Aaron Wildavsky
C. Jesse Birkhead
D. A. Premchand
Answer: B

Which of the following Constitutional Amendment Acts has/have made the decisions of the Council of Ministers binding on the President of “India“?
A. 42 and 44th Amendment Act
B. 43rd Amendment Act
C. 40th Amendment Act
D. 40th and 41st Amendment
Answer: A

Which one of the correct?
A. There are two categories of Mini Ratna Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India.
B. The Mini Ratna PSEs can have wholly owned subsidiaries.
C. The Mini Ratna PSEs cannot raise capital from the international market.
D. The Mini Ratna PSEs can induction-official directors.
Answer: A

Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the Committee/Commission Reports?
A. Macaulay-Aitchison-Lee-Fulton-Islington
B. Aitchison-Macaulay-Fulton-Islington-Lee
C. Macaulay-Aitchison-lslington-Lee-Fulton
D. Islington-Aitchison-Lee-Fulton-Macaulay
Answer: C

Mayor-in-Council form of Municipal Corporation is
A. brought by the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act
B. based on the theory of separation of powers
C. akin to cabinet form of government
D. based on the American local government pattern.
Answer: D

Which of the following Union Ministries / Office / Commission in India publishes the Economic Survey?
A. Ministry of Finance
B. Ministry of. Statistics and Programme Implementation
C. Planning Commission
D. Cabinet Secretariat
Answer: A

Recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission will cover a period of five years commencing from which date?
A. 1-4-2008
B. 1-4-2009
C. 1-4-2010
D. 1-4-2001
Answer: C

Globalisation means—
A. Financial market system is centered in a single state
B. The growth of a single unified world market
C. Geographical location of a firm is of utmost importance
D. Foreign capitalist transactions
Answer: B

By whom was the ‘Managerial Grid’ developed ?
A. Blake and White
B. Blake and Schmidt
C. Blake and Mouton
D. Mouton and Shophan
Answer: C

The classical theory of administration is also known as the—
A. Historical theory
B. Mechanistic theory
C. Locational theory
D. Human Relations theory
Answer: B

How many principles of organization were propounded by Henry Fayol ?
A. 10
B. 14
C. 5
D. 9
Answer: B

Simon was positively influenced by ideas of—
A. Terry
B. Barnard
C. L. D. White
D. Henry Fayol
Answer: B

Under which Union Ministry does the National River Conservation Directorate function ?
A. The Ministry of Agriculture
B. The Ministry of Water Resources
C. The Ministry of Rural Development
C. The Ministry of Environment and Forests
Answer: D

The Department of Land Resources is a part of which one of the Union Ministries?
A. Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
B. Ministry of Rural Development
C. Ministry of Earth Sciences
D. Ministry of Environment and Forests
Answer: B

Who is vested with powers to make regulations as to conditions of service of Members and staff of the Union Public Service Commission?
A. President of India
B. Parliament
C. Union Minister of Law
D. Chairman, Union Public Service Commission
Answer: A

Who among the following choose a member of the Council of States to be its Deputy Chairman
A. The President
B. The Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
(o) The Prime Minister
D. The Council of States
Answer: D

The Second Schedule of the Constitution of India does not contain the provisions as to who among the following?
A. The President
B. The Speaker of the House of People
C. The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
D. The Chairman, Union Public Service Commission
Answer: D

Which one of the following is not a part of the State list in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India?
A. Relief of the disabled and unemployable
B. Taxes on lands and buildings
C. Prisons
D. Stock exchanges
Answer: D

During the period of British rule in India, the Rules made under which one of the following were known as the Devaluation Rules?
A. Government of lndia Act, 1919
B. Indian Councils Act, 1909
C. Government of India Act, 1892
D. Government of India Act, 1935
Answer: D

Who among the following created the office of a District Collector in India?
A. Lord Cornwallis
B. Warren Hastings
C. The Royal C on Decentralization
D. Sir Charles Metcalfe
Answer: B

Which one of the following leadership styles was identified by the Michigan University Leadership Studies as the most effective leadership style?
A. Democratic style leadership
B. Employee-centered leadership
C. Participative group leadership
D. Team leadership
Answer: B

Negative motivation is based on—
A. Fear
B. Reward
C. Money
D. Status
Answer: A

Who among the following is an odd thinker ?
A. Taylor
B. Maslow
C. Herzberg
D. Likert
Answer: A

The ‘Gang-Plank’ refers to—
A. Discipline
B. Initiative
C. Equity
D. Level jumping
Answer: D

Henry Fayol’s General theory of Administration is applicable at—
A. Policy management level
B. Top management level
C. Middle management level
D. Workshop management level
Answer: B

Who among the following has observed that instead of hierarchy of needs, motivation should be understood in terms of series of needs?
A. Chester Barnard
B. David Mc Clelland
C. Abraham Maslow
D. Warren Bennis
Answer: B

Which one of the following thinkers was first to talk about the concept of ‘Constructive Conflict’ in an organization?
A. Elton Mayo
B. Mary Parker Follett
C. Peter Blau
D. Henri Fayol
Answer: B

By which one of the following Acts, are the political activities of civil servants in the USA regulated?
A. The Hatch Act of 1939
B. The Civil Service Act of 1833
C. The Ramspeck Act of 1940
D. The Taft-Kartley Act of 1947
Answer: A

Which one of the following statements in respect of the French Civil Service is not correct?
A. ENA is concerned with the training of technical personnel
B. Basic unit of organization of the civil service is called Corps.
C. French Civil Service is elitist
D. Civil servants are allowed to take leave and contest for political offices.
Answer: A

The Amakudari system in respect of the civil service in Japan is
A. a post-retirement assignment
B. professional training
C. foreign posting
D. monetary compensation
Answer: A

A member of the UPSC may be removed on the ground of misbehavior by
A. both the Houses of Parliament by way of impeachment
B. the President on the basis of enquiry by the Supreme Court
C. the Chairman of UPSC
D. the Prime Minister on the basis of the recommendation of the Cabinet.
Answer: B

Which one of the following features does not necessarily apply to generalist administration in India?
A. They are trained professionals in administration
B. They have been educated in technical disciplines
C. They can head or work in-any government department
D. They have a broader view of administration.
Answer: B

Which one of the following is not correct in respect of the Governor’s Ordinance-making power?
A. It is exercised only when the Legislature is not is session
B. It is a discretionary power which need not be exercised with the aid and advice of ministers.
C. The Governor himself is competent to withdraw the Ordinance at any time.
D. The scope of the Ordinance-making power is limited to subjects in List II and Schedule VII
Answer: B

Which one of the following recommended the separation of regulatory and development functions at the district level?
A. Dantwalla Committee
B. Hanumantha Rao Committee
C. Administrative Reforms Commission
D. G.V. K. Rao Committee
Answer: D

Which one of the following statements is correct with regard to the powers of the Parliament of India in enacting the budget?
A. It can increase a tax, but not reduce it.
B. It can increase a tax as well as reduce or abolish it.
C. It can not increase a tax but can reduce or abolish it.
D. It can neither increase a tax nor reduce it.
Answer: C

In which among the following countries is Charter Mark programme being effectively used to evaluate the performance of government agencies through outside independent agencies?
A. Japan
B. France
C. Great Britain
Answer: C

The “Collegial” type of executive can be found in which one of the following countries?
A. Japan
B. France
C. Switzerland
D. Great Britain
Answer: C

Which one of the following is a Parliamentary Standing Committee?
A. Draft Committee on Five Year Plan
B. Railway Convention Committee
C. Business Advisory Committee
D. Joint Committee on Fertilizer
Answer: B

Which one of the following statements is not correct with regard to the Cabinet Secretary of India?
A. The office of the Cabinet Secretary was created in the year 1950.
B. ‘The Cabinet Secretary is the principal secretary to the Prime Minister
C. The Cabinet Secretary provides secretarial assistance to all Cabinet Committees
D. Tenure of the Cabinet Secretary is fixed for five years.
Answer: D

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