Li-Fi is 100 times Faster than Wi-Fi Technology

Li-Fi can deliver internet access 100 times faster than traditional wi-fi, offering speeds of up to 1Gbps (gigabit per second). It requires a light source, such as a standard LED bulb, an internet connection and a photo detector. Scientists claim that they are achieving speeds of up to 224 gigabytes per second in the lab using Li-Fi earlier this year. This would mean a revolution in the world of videos. Now, scientists have taken Li-Fi out of the lab for the first time, testing it in offices and industrial environments  in Tallinn, Estonia. They are claiming that they can achieve speeds of up to 1 Gb per second at a work environment. Just to put that into perspective, that is 100 times faster than the average Wi-Fi speeds that we currently have around the world. 
About Li-Fi Technology:
  • Li-Fi stands for Light Fidelity (LiFi)
  • Li-Fi is a wireless technology that transmits high-speed (insanely high-speed) data using visible light communication, or VLC. So imagine switching on a bulb in your room, and it'll not only be a source of light, but will also transmit wireless internet to your phones and other devices.
  • It was tested this week by Estonian start-up Velmenni, in Tallinn in November 2015.
  • Laboratory tests have shown theoretical speeds of up to 224Gbps. It was tested in an office, to allow workers to access the internet and in an industrial space, where it provided a smart lighting solution.
  • The light waves cannot penetrate walls which makes a much shorter range, though more secure from hacking, relative to Wi-Fi. 
  • Visible light communications (VLC) works by switching bulbs on and off within nanoseconds, which is too quick to be noticed by the human eye. Although Li-Fi bulbs would have to be kept on to transmit data, the bulbs could be dimmed to the point that they were not visible to humans and yet still functional.

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